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Implement of the new model certification, conformity of production and the recall relative investigative test for in-use vehicle

The main work items for this project include: Implementation on vehicle emissions control measures; draft revisions on related emissions control regulations and pre-study on future control strategies. The routine vehicle emissions control work items include: Carry out new vehicle emissions control measures (type approval, random selective tests, durability test program, and COP tests) and in-use vehicle recall investigation tests. For the new vehicle type approval in 2007, totally 290 certificates with 757 types of domestic manufactured or imported vehicles were issued from Jan. to Dec. The average certification process dates were 8.2 dates. To adapt the enforcement of the stage 4 standards (effective in Jan. 1st, 2008), the operation process and procedures were adjusted for several times, till now 25 local makers and importers were assisted and 194 stage 4 standards compliance certificates were issued. As to the new standards additional OBD requirements, 10 makers have proposed OBD test plans of 24 OBD families, the test locations include ITRI and the laboratories of vehicle makers in Japan. As to recall investigation tests, totally 50 tests covered 10 engine families were conducted and all tests results were comply with the regulations. The new version of electronic certification system has been on line since the end of March. The functions include account management, certificate application, auditing process, supplement document required/ document rejected automatic informed through e-mail, and statistic lists for management. An extra column is added to trace OBD related statistics. To study the impact factors of vehicle emissions, an emissions model that operates on windows 2000 system has been developed and installed. The studied parameters include vehicle driving characteristics, the emissions status for over guaranteed durable mileage and ages, and the collecting and updating of emissions inventory data. As to facilitate the implementation of the gasoline vehicle Stage 4 emissions standards, the OBD control different phase implementation procedures have been completed and discussed with related stake holders, several vehicle makers have filed application and performed related tests. Till now about 80% of vehicle makers have applied for stage 4 emissions and OBD certificate, which has proved this project provide EPA with assistance for smooth adoption of OBD control regulations. As to the assessment on the gasoline vehicle vapor emission control and study on the European stage 5 related regulations and test technologies, this project has finished related documentations collection and study, the proposed conclusion could be provided EPA as references for future control strategies setting. To promote the gasoline vehicle emissions control is vital to improve air quality in Taiwan. The long lasted environmental protection could effectively reduce the impact of emissions from gasoline vehicles. The main purpose of the variety aspect of this project is to distribute and manage the limited resource precisely to promote the prosperity of the vehicle industry and not sacrifice the environment.
new model certification, random inspection on new vehicle, in-use vehicles